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com.github.manosbatsis.corda.rpc.poolboy.pool.client / CordaRpcClientFactory


class CordaRpcClientFactory : BaseKeyedPooledObjectFactory<PoolKey, CordaRPCClient>


Name Summary
<init> CordaRpcClientFactory(nodeParamsService:RpcConfigurationService)


Name Summary
nodeParamsService val nodeParamsService:RpcConfigurationService


Name Summary
activateObject fun activateObject(key:PoolKey, p: PooledObject<CordaRPCClient>): Unit
Reinitialize an instance to be returned by the pool.
create fun create(key:PoolKey): CordaRPCClient
Create an instance that can be served by the pool.
destroyObject fun destroyObject(key:PoolKey, p: PooledObject<CordaRPCClient>): Unit
Destroy an instance no longer needed by the pool.
makeObject fun makeObject(key:PoolKey): PooledObject<CordaRPCClient>
passivateObject fun passivateObject(key:PoolKey, p: PooledObject<CordaRPCClient>): Unit
Uninitialize an instance to be returned to the idle object pool.
validateObject fun validateObject(key:PoolKey, p: PooledObject<CordaRPCClient>): Boolean
Ensures that the instance is safe to be returned by the pool.
wrap fun wrap(value: CordaRPCClient): PooledObject<CordaRPCClient>
Wrap the provided instance with an implementation of {@link PooledObject}.