Skip to content / ConfigObjectData


interface ConfigObjectData


Name Summary
asConfigValue abstract fun asConfigValue(target: Config): ConfigValue
Transform to a ConfigValue for the target key, possibly using any information as needed from the target config
getActionHint open fun getActionHint(target: Config):ApplyActionType
Look at the target config and suggest what the action for this fragment should be
getLocalKey open fun getLocalKey():String
Get the local path fragment this config data corresponds to


Name Summary
DatabaseConnectionProperties interface DatabaseConnectionProperties :ConfigObjectData
DatabaseProperties data class DatabaseProperties :ConfigObjectData
Represents a node.conf database section, ignored for Corda 4.6+
DataSource data class DataSource :ConfigObjectData
DetectPublicIp class DetectPublicIp :ConfigObjectData
P2pAddress class P2pAddress :ConfigObjectData
RpcSettings class RpcSettings :ConfigObjectData