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For Cordapps

Step 1: Add to your Cordapp’s Gradle dependencies:

// apply the kapt plugin
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
// Optional: for IntelliJ users, see also sourceSets bellow
apply plugin: "idea"

    // Core dependency
    cordaCompile "com.github.manosbatsis.vaultaire:vaultaire:$vaultaire_version"
    // Annotation processing
    kapt "com.github.manosbatsis.vaultaire:vaultaire-processor:$vaultaire_version"

    // Corda dependencies etc.
    // ...


Alternatively, you might want to add Vaultaire in the Cordapp’s fat JAR, in which case use compile instead of cordacompile and skip step 2 bellow.

Step 2: Add Vaultaire and Kotlin Utils as Cordapps to your deployNodes task:

// Use Vaultaire for query DSL, DTOs and services generation
cordapp "com.github.manosbatsis.vaultaire:vaultaire:$vaultaire_version"

Step 3: You may also want to add the generated sources to your build’s sourceSets

// Define an extra sources variable
def generatedSourcesDir = project.file("build/generated/source/kaptKotlin/main")
// Tell Gradle about the extra source set
sourceSets {
    main {
        kotlin.srcDirs += generatedSourcesDir

// Optional: Tell IntelliJ about the extra source set
idea {
    module {
        sourceDirs += generatedSourcesDir
        generatedSourceDirs += generatedSourcesDir

Note that setting kotlin.incremental=true in may break non-clean builds earlier versions of kotlin like 1.2.71 - if you enable incremental then you’ll need to ./gradlew clean when building.

For Client Apps

The core module can also be useful outside a cordapp, e.g. in a Spring application interacting with Corda nodes via RPC:

    // Core dependency
    compile "com.github.manosbatsis.vaultaire:vaultaire:$vaultaire_version"

    // Corda dependencies etc.
    // ...