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NodeDriver Helper

When NodeDriverNetworkExtension does not provide the right trade-off between abstraction and API access, using MockNetworkHelper directly might be a better alternative.


MockNetworkHelper‘s constructor accepts a MockNetworkConfig as follows:

    MockNetworkConfig (/* config params */)

The MockNetworkConfig‘s alternative constructors provide some flexibility in terms of defining the set of nodes. The primary constructor for example, accepts a list of MockNodeParameters:

MockNetworkConfig (
    // The nodes to build as a List<MockNodeParameters>
    names = listOf(
        MockNodeParameters(legalName = CordaX500Name.parse("O=PartyA, L=Athens, C=GR")),
        MockNodeParameters(legalName = CordaX500Name.parse("O=PartyB, L=Athens, C=GR"))),
    // Optional, used *only* for the current
    // Gradle module, if a cordapp.
    cordappProjectPackage =`package`.name,
    // Optional; package names are used to pickup
    // cordapp or cordaCompile dependencies
    cordappPackages = listOf<String>(`package`.name),
    // Specify Cordapp Configs per package, 
    // alternatively use a ${cordappPackage} file 
    // in the classpath i.e. test/resources 
    cordappPackageConfigs = mapOf(
  `package`.name tp mapOf("foo" to "bar")
    // Optional, default
    threadPerNode = true,
    // Optional, default
    networkParameters = testNetworkParameters(
            minimumPlatformVersion = 1))

An alternative is a CordaX500Names object, essentially a wrapper for a CordaX500Name list:

MockNetworkConfig (
    // The nodes to build as a CordaX500Names instance
    names = CordaX500Names(listOf(
            CordaX500Name.parse("O=PartyA, L=Athens, C=GR"),
            CordaX500Name.parse("O=PartyB, L=Athens, C=GR"))),
    // Other params as previously shown

Another alternative is a OrgNames object that wraps a list of one or more strings, with each entry being either an organization or X500 name.

For entries that are simple organization names, a random locality/country will be selected during conversion to CordaX500Name:

MockNetworkConfig (
    // The nodes to build as an OrgNames instance
    names = OrgNames(listOf("PartyA", "PartyB")),
    // Other params as previously shown

Finally, the last alternative is also the simplest:
a numberOfNodes parameter as the Int number of nodes. In this case, the identity (i.e. CordaX500Name) for each node will be created with an organization name as “Party1”, “Party2”.. “PartyN”, along with a random locality/country:

MockNetworkConfig (
    // The number of nodes to build
    numberOfNodes = 2,
    // Other params as previously shown

Test Samples

Here’s an RPC test using a static MockNetworkHelper etc. members:

/** Sample class lifecycle test using the [MockNetworkHelper] directly */
class MockNetworkHelperClassTest {

    companion object {
        private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

    val nodesHelper: MockNetworkHelper by lazy {

    /** Start the Corda MockNetwork network */
    fun beforeAll() { nodesHelper.start() }

    /** Stop the Corda network */
    fun afterAll() { nodesHelper.stop() }

    fun `Can send a yo`() {
        val nodeA = nodesHelper.nodeHandles.getNode("partya")
        val nodeB = nodesHelper.nodeHandles.getNode("partyb")
        val yoDto = YoDto(
                recipient =,
                message = "Yo from A to B!")
        val yoState = nodeA.startFlow(YoFlow1(yoDto)).getOrThrow()
        // Wait for the TX
        assertEquals(yoDto.message, yoState.yo)


Here’s the same test with a per-class lifecycle and non-static MockNetworkHelper etc. members:

/** Sample test using the [MockNetworkHelper] directly */
class MockNetworkHelperStaticTest {

    companion object {
        private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

        val nodesHelper: MockNetworkHelper by lazy {

        /** Start the Corda MockNetwork network */
        fun beforeAll() { nodesHelper.start() }

        /** Stop the Corda network */
        fun afterAll() { nodesHelper.stop() }


    fun `Can send a yo`() {
        // Same as with the MockNetworkHelperClassTest above
