Quick Build and Run

Follow the steps bellow to build.

a) Clone the repository:

 git clone https://github.com/manosbatsis/restdude.git 

b) Copy HOWTO.txt to dev.properties:

 cp HOWTO.txt dev.properties 

c) Build and install ( -U forces the download of updated snapshot dependencies):

 mvn -U clean install 

d) run embedded Jetty container:

    cd restdude-hub-webapp
mvn jetty:run

e) Browse the app client: http://localhost:8080/restdude/client or the API reference: http://localhost:8080/restdude/swagger-ui.html. See also the Swagger API Reference section bellow.

If you are using chrome, ensure you have enabled cookies for localhost.

Optimize Profile

If have [node](https://nodejs.org) installed, you can use the optimize profile and jetty:run-war to optimize client-side code:

    cd restdude-war-overlay
mvn -P optimize clean jetty:run-war

Integration Testing Profile

To run integration tests simply activate the ci profile:

    mvn -P ci clean install

See also Tests.