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RSQL Plugin

Creating search endpoints in webapp is a tedious process, even with Vaultaire’s query DSL. The main maintenance effort goes to mapping URL parameters to query criteria and operators. Why not evaluate those dynamically?

This plugin uses jirutka/rsql-parser to provide support for RSQL and FIQL queries, which is great for REST:

  • It’s simple, compact and URL-friendly.
  • There’s no need to maintain endpoints as you add/modify state propperties/schemas.
  • Supports complex queries with logical and comparison operators.
  • Being able to store queries as strings allows to e.g. easily manage reports.


The plugin is mainly intended for Corda client applications using Spring, Spring Boot or Jackson. It can however be used with other JVM frameworks and even within cordapps.

To use RSQL in your Corda client, add Vaultaire’s plugin for RSQL to your Gradle build using an api, implementation or compile (deprecated) dependency.

implementation "com.github.manosbatsis.vaultaire:vaultaire-plugin-rsql:$vaultaire_version"

Note: To use the plugin in cordapps, follow the same rules as with the main Vaiultaire dependency.

Plugin Features

Extension Function

The plugin introduces an extension function for generated DSL classes, i.e. subclasses of VaultQueryCriteriaCondition. Consider the following query DSL without RSQL:

// Use the generated DSL to create query criteria
val query = bookStateService.buildQuery {
    // blah
    and {
        fields.title `like` "%Corda%"
        fields.price gte 12
    // blah

bookStateService.queryBy(query.toCriteria(), query.toSort())

The equivalent using RSQL:

// Use the generated DSL to create query criteria
val query = bookStateService.buildQuery {
    // blah
// Use the RSQL extension function
    // Optional, default is 
    // SimpleRsqlArgumentsConverter.Factory()

bookStateService.queryBy(query.toCriteria(), query.toSort())

If you’re wondering about converterFactory, see the Value Converters section bellow.

For an actual endpoint example that supports both “regular” and RSQL approaches above have a look at YoController.findPaged in the corbeans-yo-cordapp on Github.


The plugin supports the following operators:

Operator(s) Examples Description
== propName==queryValue Performs an equals query. Returns all entries where values in propName exactly equal queryValue
!= propName!=queryValue Performs a not equals query. Returns all entries where values in propName do not equal queryValue
=like= propName=like=queryValue Performs an like query using * as a wildcard. Returns all entries where values in propName are like queryValue
=unlike=, =notlike=, =nonlike= propName=unlike=queryValue Performs a not like query using * as a wildcard. Returns all entries where values in propName are not like queryValue
=in= propName=in=(valueA, valueB) Performs an in query. Returns all entries where propName contains valueA OR valueB
=out= propName=out=(valueA, valueB) Performs an not in query. Returns all entries where propName contains valueA OR valueB
<, =lt= propName<queryValue, propName=lt=queryValue Performs a lesser than query. Returns all entries where values in propName are lesser than queryValue
<=, =le= propName<=queryValue, propName=le=queryValue Performs a lesser than or equal to query. Returns all entries where values in propName are lesser than or equal to queryValue
<, =gt= propName>queryValue, propName=gt=queryValue Performs a greater than query. Returns all entries where values in propName are greater than queryValue
>=, =ge= propName>=queryValue, propName=ge=queryValue Performs a greater than or equal query. Returns all entries where values in propName are equal to or greater than queryValue
=null=, =isnull= propName=null=true, propName=isnull=true Performs an is null or is not null query. Returns all entries where values in propName are null or not, based on the boolean argument.

Argument Converters

Since an RSQL query is basically a String, we need converters to transform criteria arguments to their intended type.

For that purpose, the second parameter of the withRsql extension function accepts an optional RsqlArgumentsConverterFactory instance, with
SimpleRsqlArgumentsConverter.Factory() being the default.

You can create your own, custom RsqlArgumentsConverter and RsqlArgumentsConverterFactory types or use one already provided:

Converter Class Nested Factory Description
AbstractRsqlArgumentsConverter No Abstract base implementation, (optionally) extend to create your custom converter
SimpleRsqlArgumentsConverter Yes The default. Simple, extensible, dependency-free implementation
ObjectMapperAdapterRsqlArgumentsConverter Yes An implementation suitable for applications that make use of Jackson. Used as adapter for an ObjectMapper instance.
ConversionServiceAdapterRsqlArgumentsConverter Yes An implementation suitable for applications that make use of Spring. Used as adapter for a ConversionService instance.