Actuator API

Corbeans registers some Actuator add-ons to expose Corda-related information about known nodes.

The project template’s Actuator endpoints are enabled and exposed by default.

Info Contributor

The CordaInfoContributor component enriches both HTTP and JMX versions of Actuator’s info endpoint with a corda section:

  // Other info...
  "corda" : {
    // Corda-related information, see next section for structure
  // More info...

The contributor can be disabled by setting the property to true.

Corda Endpoint

The CordaInfoEndpoint component extends Actuator by registering a custom corda endpooint for HTTP and JMX. By default the endpoint provides all Corda-related information. An additional selector, i.e. path fragment matching a node name per corbeans config, will narrow the response down to the specific node.

    "nodes": {
        "partyA": {
            "platformVersion": 4,
            "peerNames": [
                "O=partyA, L=Athens, C=GR",
                "O=Notary Service, L=Zurich, C=CH",
                "O=partyB, L=Athens, C=GR"
            "peers": ["Notary Service", "partyB"],
            "identity": "O=partyA, L=Athens, C=GR",
            "notaries": ["O=Notary Service, L=Zurich, C=CH"],
            "flows": [
            "addresses": ["localhost:10004"]
        "partyB": {
            "platformVersion": 4,
            "peerNames": [
                "O=partyB, L=Athens, C=GR",
                "O=partyA, L=Athens, C=GR",
                "O=Notary Service, L=Zurich, C=CH"
            "peers": ["partyA", "Notary Service"],
            "identity": "O=partyB, L=Athens, C=GR",
            "notaries": ["O=Notary Service, L=Zurich, C=CH"],
            "flows": [
            "addresses": ["localhost:10008"]
        // More nodes...

The endpoint can be managed as any other Actuator endpoint using corda as the endpoint identifier.