Starting with version 0.24, you need to explicitly add a controller to expose node operations via RESTful services.

Simple Node Controller

Implement a minimal controller subclass of CordaNodeController like

class NodeController : CordaNodeController()

This will expose the folowing endpoints:

Method Path Description
GET /api/node/serverTime Return tbe node time in UTC
GET /api/node/whoami Returns the Node identity’s name
GET /api/node/me Returns the Node identity’s x500Principal name
GET /api/node/peers Returns a list of the node’s network peers
GET /api/node/peersnames Returns a list of the node’s network peer names
POST /api/node/attachment Saves the given file(s) as a vault attachment and returns a receipt
GET /api/node/attachment/{id} Returns the attachment matching the given ID
GET /api/node/attachment/{id}/{path} Returns a file from within the attachment matching the given ID
GET /api/node/addresses Returns a list of node addresses
GET /api/node/notaries Returns a list of notaries in node’s network
GET /api/node/states Returns a list of states
GET /api/node/flows Returns a list of flow classnames

This is suitable for a single node setup. To support multiple nodes on the same endpoints e.g. by inspecting headers, cookies or whatnot, you can override getNodeName(). Alternatively, see CordaPathFragmentNodeController bellow.

Path Fragment Based Controller

Implement a minimal controller subclass of CordaPathFragmentNodeController like

class MyCordaNodeController: CordaPathFragmentNodeController()

This will expose the folowing endpoints:

Method Path Description
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/serverTime Return tbe node time in UTC
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/whoami Returns the Node identity’s name
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/me Returns the Node identity’s x500Principal name
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/peers Returns a list of the node’s network peers
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/peersnames Returns a list of the node’s network peer names
POST /api/nodes/{nodeName}/attachment Saves the given file(s) as a vault attachment and returns a receipt
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/attachment/{id} Returns the attachment matching the given ID
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/attachment/{id}/{path} Returns a file from within the attachment matching the given ID
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/addresses Returns a list of node addresses
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/notaries Returns a list of notaries in node’s network
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/states Returns a list of states
GET /api/nodes/{nodeName}/flows Returns a list of flow classnames

Where nodeName path fragment is one of:

  • the node name (e.g. partyA for configuration properties that read corbeans.nodes.partyA.*)
  • the node identity organization name
  • the node identity X500 name

Custom Controller

Implement a controller by subclassing CordaNodeController, CordaPathFragmentNodeController or CorbeansBaseController depending on your requirements.