Build Howto

The sections bellow are meant for contributors or developers that want to build corbeans sourcecode locally. You don’t need to do this if you only want to use corbeans in your project.

Corbeans requires a recent JDK8.

Cloning the Repo

git clone

If you intent to contribute by submitting a PR, it is better to fork the project on Github and clone that instead:

git clone

Building Corbeans

Navigate to the project root folder:

cd corbeans

To build:

./gradlew build

To run a clean build:

./gradlew clean build

To run integration tests:

./gradlew integrationTest

Testing the Webserver

Besides automatically running integration tests as shown above, you can also manually run the webserver using an external configuration file (see Build Howto), assuming you have already started the
corresponding nodes manually:

./gradlew corbeans-corda-webserver:bootRun --args="--spring.config.location=/path/to/"

Building the Website

The corbeans documentation website is build using sbt, sbt-microsites and jekyll. The site files are in /docs.

For prerequisites, see

To build the site, sun sbt:


While in the sbt insteractive session, run makeMicrosite:

sbt:corbeans> makeMicrosite

To preview the site locally, navigate to the generated site directory:

cd docs/target/site/

Start jekyll:

jekyll serve

Navigate to to browse the generated site.

To publish the website on Github pages you need to a) be a contributor and b) have a Github API token set as your GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable:

sbt:corbeans> publishMicrosite