Data RPC

The corbeans-spring-boot-rpc-datasource-starter auto-configures JPA entities and repositories for your datasource that are compatible with the
RPC datasource schema.

For more advanced use-cases you can use corbeans-spring-data-corda-rpc instead and extend the included mapped superclasses as desired.

The following sections how to quickly get started with either in your project. The examples assume you have already configured a datasource in your project and have added dependencies a database driver and org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa.


To install the desired module, add the dependency to your build using either the Gradle or Maven example bellow.

For Gradle Users

Corbeans is available in Maven central.

repositories {
	// OR, if changes have not yet been reflected to central:
	// maven { url "" }

Add the starter dependency:

dependencies {
	implementation "com.github.manosbatsis.corbeans:corbeans-spring-boot-rpc-datasource-starter:$corbeans_version"
	// Or, to use the JPA mapped superclasses only:
	// implementation "com.github.manosbatsis.corbeans:corbeans-spring-data-corda-rpc:$corbeans_version"

For Maven Users

Add the dependency in your Maven POM:

	<!-- Or, to use the JPA mapped superclasses only:

Use in your components:

Examples in Kotlin and Java, assuming you are using the starter.

In Kotlin:

// autowire RPC repos
@Autowired lateinit var rpcUserRepository: RpcUserRepository
@Autowired lateinit var rpcPermissionRepository: RpcPermissionRepository
@Autowired lateinit var rpcRoleRepository: RpcRoleRepository

// Use repos in your code, e.g.
val user ="user1", "user1", emptyList()))

In Java:

// autowire RPC repos
@Autowired private RpcUserRepository rpcUserRepository;
@Autowired private RpcPermissionRepository rpcPermissionRepository;
@Autowired private RpcRoleRepository rpcRoleRepository;

// Use repos in your code, e.g.
RpcUser user = RpcUser("user1", "user1", emptyList()));