Component API

This document provides an overview of the API used within Spring components.

Autowiring Services

Corbeans now supports any dynamic number of nodes. As a consequence, node services are not pre-registered Spring beans anymore. Instead, the network service creates node services as short-lived helpers (think request context etc.). Kotlin example:

    // Autowire a network service, used to access node services
    lateinit var networkService: CordaNetworkService

    fun doSomething(){
        // Get a node service
        val nodeService = networkService


or Java

    // Autowire a network service, used to access node services
    private CordaNetworkService networkService;
    public void doSomething(){
        // Get a node service
        CordaNodeService nodeService = networkService

API Overview

Network and state services are only available from version .19 and up.

Network Service

Network service is a root component you can optionally use to create node service instances:

// (Optional) Use CordaNetworkService to access node services
val nodeService =  networkService.getNodeService("optional name")

You can also use the network service to run some code using a pooled RPC connection to a target node:

    it.proxy.startFlow(, foo, bar, baz)

Node Service

Node services are useful in two main ways:

  1. They provide an extensive API related to identities, parties, attachments, flows and so on.
     // Find the party matching the name
     val machingParties = nodeService.partiesFromName("party A")
  2. They can create StateService helpers for the desired ContractState type.
     val stateService = nodeService.createStateService(
  3. They provide a withNodeRpcConnection function to run to run some code using a pooled RPC connection to their target node:
     stateService.withNodeRpcConnection {
         it.proxy.startFlow(, foo, bar, baz)

State Service

Node services can help you query or track states of a certain ContractState type:

// Get a state service
val myStateService = networkService.getNodeService("partyA")
// Query states 
val myStates = myStateService.queryBy(criteria, pageSpec, sort)
// Observe and count Yo! updates
val myUpdates = mutableListOf<MyState>()
val myStateVaultObservable = myStateService.trackBy().updates   
myStateVaultObservable.subscribe { update ->
	update.produced.forEach { (state) ->