BNMS Starter

The corbeans-spring-boot-bnms-starter provides autoconfigured, RESTful BNMS services for Corda’s memberships-management cordapp. The services expose operations for both members and BNOs, e.g.:

  • List business network members
  • Request a membership or amend own membership’s metadata
  • Activate or suspend membership (for BNO nodes)

This document describes how to use the starter and quickly implement BNMS services for your Spring Boot app.


Corda BNMS Repository

Make sure to add the corda-solutions-releases repository to your build modules.

	// Corda BNMS repo
	maven { url ''}

Cordapp Dependencies

Add the Corda BNMS dependencies to your cordapp:

dependencies {
	// Corda memberships-management deps
    compile "com.r3.businessnetworks:membership-service:$corda_solutions_version"
    compile "com.r3.businessnetworks:membership-service-contracts-and-states:$corda_solutions_version"

Spring Boot Application Dependencies

Corbeans is available in Maven central. To install the main and BNMS starters, add the following dependencies to your build.

dependencies {
    // Corbeans starter
    compile ("com.github.manosbatsis.corbeans:corbeans-spring-boot-starter:$corbeans_version")
    // Corbeans BNMS starter
    compile ("com.github.manosbatsis.corbeans:corbeans-spring-boot-bnms-starter:$corbeans_version")
    // Optional: control the BNMS dependency versions
    	compile "com.r3.businessnetworks:membership-service:$corda_solutions_version"
    	compile "com.r3.businessnetworks:membership-service-contracts-and-states:$corda_solutions_version"


The following steps are required to properly configure and use the BNMS starter.

  • Create your custom membership metadata class
  • Implement a custom BNMS service

The sections bellow describe the steps in detail.

Custom Metadata Class

First of all you need to create a metadata class that fits your needs.

MembershipState allows the use of a custom type as the value of it’s membershipMetadata member. It’s worth noting the type is also used by [com.r3.businessnetworks.membership.flows.GenericsUtilsKt#getAttachmentIdForGenericParam(com.r3.businessnetworks.membership.states.MembershipState<? extends java.lang.Object>)] to to find the appropriate class location and turn it into an attachment.

Here’s a sample implementation that adds a simple comment metadatum:

data class MyCustomMembershipMetadata(
        val comment: String
        // Add more custom members here

Your metadata class belongs to your cordapp contract module

BNMS Service Implementation

To integrate your custom metadata class with Corbeans, implement a CordaBnmsService by extending AbstractCordaBnmsServiceImpl to provide a mapping function between a JsonNode and your custom metadata class:

/** BNMS service implementation */
class MyCustomBnmsService(
        nodeRpcConnection: NodeRpcConnection
): AbstractCordaBnmsServiceImpl<MyCustomMembershipMetadata>(nodeRpcConnection) {

    /** Convert the given JSON node to the target [MyCustomMembershipMetadata] instance */
    override fun toMembershipMetadata(jsonNode: JsonNode?): MyCustomMembershipMetadata {
        val givenComment = // read from JSON...
        return MyCustomMembershipMetadata(comment = givenComment)

Nodes Configuration

Last but not least, specify the custom BNMS Service implementation using the bnmsServiceType slot for each of your nodes in

# Common node config properties...

# Custom BNMS service type for this node

Corbeans will create and register the appropriate BNMS service beans.


Starting with version 0.25, you need to explicitly add controllers to expose BNMS operations for BNO and members via RESTful services.

Simple Node Controllers

Implement minimal controller subclasses of CorbeansBmnsBnoController and/or CorbeansBmnsMemberController like bellow:

class MyBmnsBnoController: CorbeansBmnsBnoController()

class MyBmnsMemberController: CorbeansBmnsMemberController()

This will expose the folowing endpoints:

Method Path Description
PUT /api/bnms/bno/memberships Activate a pending membership
DELETE /api/bnms/bno/memberships Suspend an active membership
GET /api/bnms/member/memberships Get a memberships list from a BNO. URL params: bno (string) the BNO party name, filterOutMissingFromNetworkMap (boolean) whether to filter out anyone missing from the Network Map, default is true, forceRefresh (boolean) whether to force a refresh, default value is false
POST /api/bnms/member/memberships Request the BNO to kick-off the on-boarding procedure
PUT /api/bnms/member/memberships Propose a change to the membership metadata.

This is suitable for a single node per Spring Boot app. To support multiple nodes on the same endpoints e.g. by inspecting headers, cookies or whatnot, you can override getNodeName(). Alternatively, see path fragment based controllers bellow.

Path Fragment Based Controllers

Implement minimal controller subclasses of CorbeansBmnsBnoPathFragmentController and/or CorbeansBmnsMemberPathFragmentController like bellow:

class MyBmnsBnoController: CorbeansBmnsBnoPathFragmentController()

class MyBmnsMemberController: CorbeansBmnsMemberPathFragmentController()

This will expose the folowing endpoints:

Method Path Description
PUT /api/bnms/bnos/{nodeName}/memberships Activate a pending membership
DELETE /api/bnms/bnos/{nodeName}/memberships Suspend an active membership
GET /api/bnms/members/{nodeName}/memberships Get a memberships list from a BNO. URL params: bno (string) the BNO party name, filterOutMissingFromNetworkMap (boolean) whether to filter out anyone missing from the Network Map, default is true, forceRefresh (boolean) whether to force a refresh, default value is false
POST /api/bnms/members/{nodeName}/memberships Request the BNO to kick-off the on-boarding procedure
PUT /api/bnms/members/{nodeName}/memberships Propose a change to the membership metadata.

Where nodeName path fragment is one of:

  • the node name (e.g. partyA for configuration properties that read corbeans.nodes.partyA.*)
  • the node identity organization name
  • the node identity X500 name

Custom Controllers

Implement a controller by subclassing CorbeansBmnsBnoBaseController or CorbeansBmnsMemberBaseController depending on your requirements.